
Read the latest updates from IrriCheck. Including news stories, case studies and press releases.

Integrated pest management: Taking care of crop protectors

ntegrated pest management has become an increasingly popular means of protecting crops against damage from pests such as weeds and insects, and is being driven by, among other factors, the growing resistance to a purely chemical approach to crop protection. Annelie Coleman spoke to several experts to find out more.

Southern African nations need to up their groundwater management game

Ideally, countries should take an integrated approach to water resource management to help reduce strain on specific water resources while also extending the lifespan of a region’s water supply. Crucially, it involves efficiently managing surface and groundwater resources in tandem. Many African countries tend to mismanage their groundwater resources. In many instances it’s over exploited…

SCA ruling allows for trade of water use entitlements

In the recent case of Lotter NO v Minister of Water and Sanitation and Others (8 November 2021), the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) found that section 25 of the National Water Act allows for the transfer of water use entitlements.

Managing irrigation of fruit when water is scarce

Water availability has become one of the greatest limiting factors in agricultural production in South Africa. Johan Kotzé, director of Dutoit Agri Eastern Cape, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about how the company is managing this problem and producing more fruit per litre of water used.

What to learn from the recent SA Crop Estimates Committee’s release?

This past week, the national Crop Estimates Committee released its update on South Africa’s 2020/21 summer crop production forecasts and the 2021/22 winter crop production.

Managing irrigation of fruit when water is scarce

Water availability has become one of the greatest limiting factors in agricultural production in South Africa. Johan Kotzé, director of Dutoit Agri Eastern Cape, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about how the company is managing this problem and producing more fruit per litre of water used.

Is South Africa doing enough to avert a water crisis?

As South Africa battles the third wave of Covid-19 vaccinations and amidst the chaos, destruction and looting that has taken place in parts of South Africa in recent weeks it’s easy to forget another looming catastrophe: a water crisis with potentially devastating consequences.

Precision farming pays off for KZN potato producer

Growing and marketing potatoes for maximum profit can be complex, as there is a narrow window for obtaining the highest prices. To ensure his business gets its timing right, GoldenGrow owner Graeme Jarvie employs a ‘less is more’ approach, where the business stays well within its capabilities and so runs smoothly.

How to balance draining fields with holding onto nitrogen

Purdue University researchers conducted a three-decade-long experiment to find out how different farming practices and drainage strategies affect crop growth and nitrogen loss from fields.

Research and development are key to resilient food systems in Africa

What will it take to build sustainable, resilient food systems in African countries?