
Turn-key Services

Dedicated Consulting Agents

IrriCheck has dedicated consulting agents and distributors internationally. They are trained and qualified in irrigation scheduling using the IrriCheck Pulse™ platform and specialise in irrigation scheduling.

This means that trained agents and distributors do the scheduling and data management for our clients. In addition to that, we enter into Service Level Agreements with our clients, guaranteeing a service excellence.

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Our Network of Agents

Our network of agents and distributors consult on all irrigated crops throughout South Africa, SADC, Australia, New Zealand, Peru and Chile, which provides us with a unique advantage when it comes to crop knowledge and transferring this knowledge and intellectual property between agents and distributors for the benefit of our clients.

Our consulting agents and distributors are supported by a team of agronomists and soil scientists.

Hardware Independent

IrriCheck is independent of the hardware manufacturers and supplies, installs and connects with many different types of continuous logging soil moisture probes and telemetry units, including, but not limited to:

  • AquaCheck
  • DFM Technologies
  • Crop Systems
  • AquaSpy
  • Pessl Instruments
  • Gentick Electronics
  • Greenshield

In addition to that, IrriCheck supplies, installs and connects with many other continuous logging sensors including, but not limited to: Weather Stations, Automatic Rain Gauges, Canopy Sensors, Dam Level Sensors, In-line EC Meters, Flow Meters, Canal Sensors, Dendrometers (fruit and stem) and Sap Flow Sensors.

The Irricheck Pulse™ platform allows our clients to use different combinations of soil moisture probes, sensors and telemetry on one platform, allowing for data uniformity and scientific analysis through the IrriCheck Pulse™ platform, together with our specialists, allowing for holistic farm water management and solutions.

Incorporated Services

Hardware sales and installation

Correct set-up of Pulse™

Irrigation scheduling and accuracy

Ensuring hardware is working

On-farm site visits
